
Bike Fitting

Bike Fitting

Bike Fit Cost & Details

  • £120 for initial assessment
  • £60 all follow up appointments

  • ONITsports believe that being comfortable and efficient on your bike is essential. Bike fitting isn't just for the elite cyclist, but for the enthusiast, the weekend warrior, the bike packing adventurer!

    A lot of people misunderstand that just because you can ride a bike doesn't mean you know how to pedal correctly. Think of going to the gym and throwing weights about. Unless you have the correct technique you will either be doing damage to yourself or actually not working out effectively. Riding a bike is exactly the same. We've seen plenty of cycling related injuries over the years...

    Our bike fitting service takes around 2 hours where we start with a full body assessment and history. We then understand the aims and goals of the client. This then gives the ability to then really optimise the fit time to get the best position. We don't just stop there. With our years of fitting experience we aim to assist the client to improve their technique on the bike. Be it with PES pedalling or posture.

    The fit process is via Leomo/Kinovea motion capture technology, and we recommend using your bike on our trainer to ensure the measurements are perfect. We then take the measurements using our BICISUPPORT Bike Size and note on our assessment document. The assessment document with all the details including a conclusion will be emailed to you after the appointment.

    Book a bike fit appointment below, or if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call us on 01656 857202.